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The Catholic church and paedophilia
  Crimes and sins
  The pope should say plainly and loudly that sexual abuse of children is not just sinful. It is criminal
  Mar 18th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
  源自《经济学人》印刷版 2010年3月18日
  IT COULD hardly get worse. Sex scandals are breaking over the Catholic church with such fury that the Vatican has felt bound to defend Pope Benedict XVI himself. Children at some Catholic schools in Germany have been systematically abused; paedophiles were transferred to other jobs, rather than dismissed or prosecuted. Abuse has surfaced in Austria and the Netherlands. In Ireland Cardinal Sean Brady, the primate, has admitted that he was present in 1975 when two teenage boys were persuaded to sign oaths of silence about their abuse by Father Brendan Smyth. The church defrocked Smyth, but nobody, including Cardinal Brady, told the police about his crimes and for two decades. he remained free to abuse boys
   情况已糟至极限。性丑闻正朝着天主教会铺天盖地而来, 力量之凶猛, 以至于梵蒂冈都觉得不得不出面为十六世教皇本尼迪克特本人开脱。在德国的一些天主教学校的儿童,受到有组织的性侵犯;恋童癖们只是被调换做其他工作,而不是受到解雇或告发。[对儿童”>的性侵犯现象在奥地利和荷兰也浮出水面。红衣主教的肖恩•布雷迪大主教承认:1975年,受布伦丹•史密斯神父性侵犯过的两个少年被说服签署缄默誓约时,他在场。史密斯虽然被解除了神职,但包括布雷迪在内,没有任何一个人就史密斯的罪行向警方告发。在20年里,史密斯对男童的性侵犯一如既往而不受处罚。
  Yet denial still reigns. Bishop Christopher Jones, head of the Irish episcopate’s committee on family affairs, has complained that the church is being singled out, when most abuse happens inside families and other organisations. “Why this huge isolation of the church and this huge focus on cover-up in the church when it has been going on for centuries?” he asked.
  He is right that other secretive outfits (orphanages in authoritarian countries, say) are home to shameful abuse, but that misses the point. No church can expect to be judged merely against the most depraved parts of the secular world. If you preach absolute moral values, you will be held to absolute moral standards. Hence, for Catholics and outsiders alike, the church hierarchy’s inability to deal with the issue is baffling. The church now has exemplary child-protection rules—so strict, in fact, that they sometimes stifle healthily affectionate behaviour. It is the scandals from the past that are so toxic.
   当琼斯主教说在其他一些讳莫如深的机构里(比如说,专制国家里的孤儿院)也屡屡发生这种可耻的性虐行径时, 他是对的, 不过此说没有切中要害。 任何教会都不能把自己降低到只用世俗世界中最堕落的部分为基准作评判的地步。 如果教会宣讲绝对的道德价值观,那么评判教会就要用这个绝对的道德标准。正因为如此,此次教会高层对性丑闻处理之无能,不论对天主教徒还是对非天主教徒而言, 都是令人沮丧。而今教堂制定了惩戒性的儿童保护条例——条例如此严格,以至于,有时会事实上抑制对儿童的积极关爱行为。那是过去的丑闻,流毒之深,在今天留下的后遗症。
  Applying modern standards to conduct long ago is tricky. The hierarchy in the past often saw paedophilia not as a crime with victims but as a sin that endangered the perpetrator’s soul: along the lines of alcoholism, or pilfering church funds. A priest who “erred” deserved a rebuke, pastoral attention (perhaps) and a fresh start. The dreadful damage done to the victims of the abuse was not appreciated, or was ignored.
   用现代准则去处理古已有之的行为是困难的。在过去,教会管理层常常不把恋童癖看成是有受害者的犯罪行为,只是看成一种危害作恶人灵魂的宗教罪孽:与酗酒、偷窃教堂资金之类行为同属。一名“犯错”的神父应受训斥,教区关注(也许吧), 然后重新开始。对性侵害受害者受到的可怕损害则是不予重视,甚至假装不知。
  A second delusion—still lingering in some church circles—was the conflation of paedophilia and homosexuality. A sexual relationship between a priest and a teenage boy was regarded as wrong, just as a liaison between two priests would be.but it did not count as a revolting abuse of trust.
  Some add celibacy to the charge list. Those cut off from family life may not appreciate the horror parents feel about abuse. In a sex-obsessed age abstinence sounds unnatural and thus a cause of sexual deviancy. Yet a moment’s reflection shows how unfair that is. The childless care about children too. Parents are some of the worst child-abusers. And nobody has shown a statistical link between celibacy and paedophilia.
   有人又把独身加作一条应受指责的理由。那些被隔绝于家庭生活之外的人可能体会不了父母对儿女受性侵害的恐惧感。在当今这个色迷欲痴的年代,禁欲听起来是反自然的,于是就变成了性变态的理由。不过,稍作思考, 就看的出这种理由多么有失公允。无子女的也“关心”起儿童来。某些最严重的儿童性侵害者却是父母自己。独身和恋童癖之间的统计相关性至今没有结果。
  As in so many scandals, the cover-up compounds the original sin. The guilty secrets of the past must be flushed out. And bishops must admit their part in them. It is odd that an institution founded on honesty and penitence should struggle so. Today’s Catholic leaders might also recall that clerical abuses of power, defended by legalistic quibbling, greatly angered an itinerant preacher in Palestine two millennia ago.
   正如在如此之多的丑闻中那样,掩盖只会使宗教原罪严重。往昔那些罪恶的秘密都要涮出来曝光。主教们都要坦承他们在其中扮演的角色。建立在诚信和忏悔基础上的教会在此等事上如此的煎熬,是不同寻常的。今天的天主教高层们一定还记得,两千年前,祭司滥用权力, 却用法律上的遁词辩护,结果曾经大大激怒了一位在巴勒斯坦的巡回传教士(指耶稣——译者注)。


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