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纽约时报驻京记者Seth Faison在纽约时报上撰文谈论中国成语,文章标题是Not-so-Ancient Chinese Proverb: Glib Truisms Gloss over Reality.
  鹿死谁手:Never know at whose hand a deer will die.
  摸着石头过河:Feeling stones while crossing a river.
  鳞次栉比:Packed in as tight as teeth of a comb.
  一人得道,鸡犬升天:When one man finds the way, his chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.
  Meaning: When a man is promoted to a position of authority, all his friends and relatives benefit.
  八仙过海,各显神通:Eight immortals cross the sea; each shows a saintly passage.
  Meaning: Different individuals can achieve the same goal in different ways.
  天高皇帝远:The sky is high; the emperor is far away.
  Meaning: Far from a central authority, one enjoys relative freedom.
  说曹操,曹操到:When you mention Cao Cao, he soon arrives.
  Meaning: I was just talking about you!
  瓜田李下:Never pull on your shoes in a melon patch; never adjust your cap under a plum tree.
  Meaning: Don’t act suspicious if you want to avoid being suspected.
  姜太公钓鱼-愿者上钩:Lord Jiang casts a line, a fish wants to be caught.
  Meaning: Someone who is trapped willingly.


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