

  1. You speak to each other in an intricately crafted dialect of gibberish that nobody else understands。你们之间会用一种精妙复杂的方式来说话,其他人一般听不懂。
  2. You feel entirely comfortable climbing into their bed at 4 a.m. Uninvited。你会在凌晨4点爬到他们床上,没有提前通知,但也一点儿也不觉得别扭。
  3. They are privy to your secret prejudices. They still love you, somehow。他们知道你对某事私下有偏见,但依然爱你。
  4. They “like” your Facebook updates, Instagrams, and tweets as soon as they go up。他们一上网,就会在脸书、图片分享应用和推特上各种“赞”你的更新。
  5. You’ve started mentally collecting anecdotes for your Maid of Honor/Best Man speech。你开始在心里默默收集伴郎/伴娘致词中需要的趣闻轶事。
  6. You literally always owe each other money but trust that you’ll balance out over the years。你们互相欠钱,却坚信过几年一定会扯平。
  7. You know their wardrobe inside-out。你非常清楚他们的衣柜里都有些什么。
  8. You can sense each other’s emotional state over text message, based on punctuation and Emoji usage。你们用标点和表情符号发短信,向对方表达各自心情。
  9. You’re Facebook friends with each other’s parents, siblings, and significant others。你们在脸书上会把对方的父母、兄弟姐妹和其他重要的人都加为好友。


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